Monday, February 19, 2007

Commitment to Loveliness, February 18

I did pretty well last week, but I need to do better in a few areas!

  • Keep up that water drinking! I think this may get a bit easier since Lent is upon us and we've cut out diet soda.

  • Lie down/nap when Baby takes his afternoon nap. (I was almost asleep today when the phone rang, so now I'm blogging. After today, though, REST!)

  • Walk at least 4 days this week since the temperature will be near 40.

  • Type up my menu plan/shopping lists.

  • Fix my hair everyday instead of just tying it back. Ponytails count as a style, pulling it straight back with a loose, elastic-is-almost-shot rubberband does NOT!

  • I know this is six, but now that it's Lent and the parish is offering an extra daily Mass at noon, GO!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Courtney,
    I have enjoyed your blog. We are catholic too. Would love to know what your meal plans are for lent on Fridays. I am always looking for new ideals.
