Friday, March 27, 2009

How We Cloth Diaper

Emma asked for a little "tour" of our cloth diapering "lifestyle." So here we go!

We started cloth diapering our first son when he was born with Fuzzi Bunz. They were very simple and they worked pretty well for us and he wore them until potty training last April.

For our second baby, I used prefolds and Bummis covers for the first few weeks then planned to switch to Fuzzi Bunz. Several things happened, however. 1) They didn't fit him quite right. 2) The polyester fleece didn't agree with his skin. 3) Our size mediums, which were worn day and night by M. for 18 months were DEAD. All of these things, but mostly number two, prompted me to decide when the baby was about a month old to switch things up. We tried lots of diapers! Prefolds (love!), BumGenius bamboo fitteds (like), Swaddlebees organic velour pockets and terry fitteds, Bamboozles, Sugar Peas two-size and snap in, and all sorts of covers: Bummis Super Whisper Wraps, Super Snaps, and Super Brites, Thirsties, Sugar Peas wool and fleece, Stacinator, Imse Vimse! A lot of trial and error and here's where we've landed!

One each of the current assortment, from left to right:

Not pictured are Little Beetle Hemp (trim) and Little Beetle One (trim). They were still on the way!

All of our diapers require covers. We use all-natural fibers for both diapers and covers, so we have all wool. The picture below shows wool drying after washing and lanolizing.

Not pictured are the Stacinator and Little Beetle Wrap.

We use Snappis on prefolds and Little Beetles, flannel wipes with Kissaluvs Diaper Lotion Potion and Wedela Diaper Care. We wash with Allens Naturally detergent and do a combo line/machine dry.

Oh, and our older son wears Little Beetle Little Learners and Wool Soaker Shorts at night.

Well, there you go! Stay tuned for part two on caring for wool!

1 comment:

  1. I am interested in old-fashioned diapers for the sake of the environment, it cheaper?

    Thanks for sharing!
