Monday, December 4, 2006

One comment

I think the skirt I wore to Mass yesterday makes me looka little taller than I am. I'm only 5'3"! Do not be deceived... :-)


  1. I'm really enjoying your week in skirts. Mrs. Wilt over at the Sparrow's Nest did the same thing a while ago.

    I'll confess I'm not quite there yet, but I will say it's dresses and skirts all the way for me and my daughters when we go to Mass. The girls wear skorts or skirts every day to school as part of their uniform, so technically they're further along in this than me...keep up the good work!

  2. Hello, Courtney! You look so good in your skirts. I especially liked the outfit you wore to Mass. This is a great idea you have for posting a week in skirts. I think I'll copy it if you don't mind.

  3. Copy away, Jenny! I got the idea myself from Mrs. Wilt and other bloggers. :-)
