I found this on the blog of someone from my AP list.
How crunchy are you?Do you have homebirths?15 points for “yes” (unassisted)
10 points for “yes” (with a midwife in attendance)
5 points for alternative birthing center
2 points for “thinking about/would like
0 for “no” (
wouldn’t consider it).
I would consider it, but we live over 30 minutes from the nearest hospital, so it's never going to happen.
Will you circumcise future sons?-5 points for “no”
-0 points for “yes”.
We do not circumcise.
Do you use cloth diapers?20 point if you do Elimination Communication (no diapers)
15 points if “yes” (wash and make your own)
10 points if “yes” (wash your own)
5 points if “yes” (diaper service)
2 points if “thinking about it”
0 points if “no” (
wouldn’t consider it).
I wish I made my own! Wait-- does folding
prefolds count??
Do you observe your fertility signals using Natural Family
Planning/Fertility Awareness and use that for birth control/trying to conceive?10 points for “yes” (observe and use for birth control/
ttc) or you use ecological
lactational amnorrhea5 points for “yes” (observe for trying to conceive)
2 points “thinking about it”
0 points for “no” (
wouldn’t consider it).
You bet!
Do you breastfeed exclusively for the first 6+ months?10 points if “yes”
5 points for “no” (use occasional bottles of expressed
2 points for “no” (use occasional bottles of formula)
0 for “no” (don’t breastfeed by choice).
Do you co-sleep/family bed?10 points for “yes” (all night every night)
5 points for “yes” (part/all of most nights)
2 points for “thinking about it”
0 points for “no”.
We're down to part of the night now. The little guy sleeps in his own room full-time now, and I go in there if he needs me.
Do you use a sling/soft carrier?5 points for “yes”
2 points for “thinking about it”
0 points for “no” (
wouldn’t consider it).
How could I survive without one?
Do you believe in/practice child-led weaning
(even if that means breastfeeding for several years)?15 points for “yes” (complete child-led weaning)
10 points for “yes” (up to 3 years)
5 points for “yes” (up to 2 years)
2 points for “thinking about it”
0 points for “no” (you’ll wean the baby at 1 year or earlier).
I'm somewhere between 10-15 here. Without another pregnancy, I think I'd let the baby nurse as long as s/he needed.
Do you tandem nurse/nurse during your pregnancy?10 points for “yes” (nurse during
pgcy and tandem nurse)
5 points for “yes” (nurse during
pgcy, but wean before birth)
2 points for “thinking about it”
0 points for “no”(
wouldn’t consider it).
Hasn't come up yet, but I'm guessing I'll nurse during pregnancy, but try to wean before the next birth.
Do you eat organic/whole/natural foods and limit your meat?15 points for “yes” (grow own/buy organic, shop only at health food store,
grind own wheat, vegetarian, etc.)
10 points for “yes” (grow some of own food, buy organic,
use whole wheat flour, bake own bread, eat some meat occasionally)
5 points for “yes” (try to buy natural, whole grain foods, etc.)
2 points for “thinking about it”
0 points for “no” (
wouldn’t consider it).
10 points here. I wish we could adios meat altogether unless it was organic/free-range/grass-fed, but my DH is convinced he won't survive without it.
Do you use herbal/homeopathic remedies?10 points if “yes” (very rarely see a regular doctor)
5 points if “yes” (but use a doctor occasionally)
2 points if “thinking about it” (see a doc for now)
0 points for “no” (
wouldn’t consider it).
As much as possible. Based on my recent experiences with doctors, I have half a mind to write them off completely. I guess they have their uses, though.
Do you homeschool?10 points if “yes” (currently
5 points for “yes” (will
2 points for “thinking about it”
0 points for “no” (
wouldn’t consider it).
We are without a doubt going to
What's your take on childhood vaccinations?15 points for no vaccines
10 for delayed, selective vaccination
5 points for selective, on schedule vaccination
2 points for thinking about not vaccinating
0 points for
vaxing on schedule.
10 points here. We selectively/delay and avoid morally objectionable vaccines altogether (the ones made from aborted babies).
Would you/have you ever breastfeed/fed someone else's baby
or have someone else bf your child?10 points if yes (have or someone has bf your baby)
5 points if yes (would)
2 points if maybe 0 if no (wouldn't consider it).
Maybe not BF, I would pump for someone and I would buy donor milk before I'd EVER use formula.
Do you use cloth/re-usable products for mom?10 points if yes (make own)
5 points if yes (buy own)
2 points if thinking about it
0 points if no.
Thinking about it. It can cost a lot to switch over.
Total= 104
120 – 140 Super Nutty, Ultra-Crunchy Granola Earth Mama
90 – 119
Mmm! Love that whole-grain crunch!
60 – 89 Pretty Crispy
20 – 59 Sprinkled with Granola
5 – 19 Instant Oatmeal
0 - 4 Jell-O