Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Read Through the Bible and Catechism in a Year

Elena of Visits to Candyland and My Domestic Church has posted a link to a schedule for reading through the entire Bible and the Catechism in a year. Reading the entire Bible is again on my list for 2008, and adding the Catechism seems like a great idea too! It's nice to have the hard work of figuring out what to read when already done, so check this out!

Let me know if you're going to commit to either or both schedules, and we can encourage each other this year!


  1. I'd like to read that along with you - maybe that would help me keep going! But whenever I try to open that link, it freezes my computer. Would you be able to download the file and e-mail it to me, by any chance? Thanks!

  2. thanks for the link! I have been looking for something just like this! God Bless

  3. I'd like to read along too. I need to!
